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Galileo Localization for Railway Operation Innovation (GaLoROI)


This project aims at developing a system for track-sensitive, precise on-board railway localization for safety-critical applications. It combines results from previous projects about railway localization “Map-Assisted Localization in Structured Environments”, “Probabilistic train localization in topological maps” and “Eddy-Current-Sensor based non-contact speed measurement for rail vehicles” and focuses on a reliable and high quality implementation of those techniques in an embedded train control application. The overall goal is to obtain a safety-certified prototype at SIL (safety integrity level) of at least 3 so that the resulting system can be applied in modern railway operation systems.

The localization system is based on three sources of information, an accurate track map, a Galileo satellite navigation system, and an eddy current sensor. The information of these sources of information is fused in an integrated filter and analyzed according to the safety requirements.

The project GaLoROI is based on a European collaboration between the Institute for Quality, Safety and Transportation GmbH (Braunschweig), Septentrio NV (Leuven), Baudis Bergmann Rösch Verkehrstechnik GmbH (Braunschweig), Institut français des sciences et technologies, des transports, de l’aménagement et des réseaux (Marne la Vallée/Lille), Institute for Traffic Safety and Automation Engineering – TU Braunschweig, and the Institute of Measurement and Control Systems at KIT.

The project was funded by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) within the FP7 research program.