Lanelet2: The open source real-world tested C++/Python automated driving HD map framework

Lanelet2: The open source real-world tested C++/Python automated driving HD map framework

Lanelet2 is a C++ library for handling map data in the context of automated driving. It is designed to utilize high-definition map data in order to efficiently handle the challenges posed to a vehicle in complex traffic scenarios. Flexibility and extensibility are some of the core principles to handle the upcoming challenges of future maps.

Lanelet2 has been released for ROS. Just install "ros-[distribution]-lanelet2", e.g.:
   sudo apt install ros-noetic-lanelet2

The Python version can also directly be installed from PyPI:
   pip install lanelet2

Further information and the source code can be found on Github


Fabian Poggenhans, Jan-Hendrik Pauls, Johannes Janosovits, Stefan Orf, Maximilian Naumann, Florian Kuhnt, Matthias Mayr. Lanelet2: A High-Definition Map Framework for the Future of Automated Driving. In Proc. IEEE Intell. Trans. Syst. Conf., Seiten 1672--1679, Hawaii, USA, November 2018.

Open Source Projects